

其实要防止也不难做到,首先是减少全局数组的使用,尽量使之面向对象化,当然全局数组经常是游戏程序员在修bug时一种快速简易的偷懒做法,如果非要使用的话也是有很多种方法来防止错误发生的,下面简单介绍一种利用模版类来检测的方法,也是现在《文明 变革》中使用的办法。


template< class sType, int SIZE > 
class SafeStruct 
    SafeStruct( ) : m_akInternal(NULL) { }; 
    SafeStruct( sType pkData[]  ) :   m_akInternal(pkData) 
        FAssertMsg( m_akInternal != NULL, "Error, trying to check NULL data?" ); 
    // Safe indexing 
    sType & operator[] ( int iIndex )  
        if ( iIndex < 0 || iIndex >= SIZE ) 
            FAssertMsg( 0, "Error index out of range (used=%d, range=[0..%d))", iIndex, SIZE ); 
        //make the index in the range. 
        CLAMP(0, iIndex, SIZE-1); 
        return m_akInternal[iIndex]; 
    // Cast to a void pointer, for memcpy, etc. 
    operator void * () { return (void*)&(m_akInternal[0]); } 
    void SetData( sType * pkData ) { m_akInternal = pkData; } 
    sType * m_akInternal; 
    // Hack the sizeof operator to return the actual size of the array 
    // Wastes memory, so should not be used unless necessary 
    //char m_akSIZEOFFIX[SIZE*sizeof(sType)-sizeof(sType*)]; 


//for 2D arrays 
template< class sType, int ROWSIZE, int COLSIZE > 
class SafeStruct2D 
    public: SafeStruct2D( sType * pkData ) 
        for ( int i = 0; i < ROWSIZE; i++ ) 
    // Safe indexing 
    SafeStruct< sType, COLSIZE > & operator[] ( int iIndex )  
        if ( iIndex < 0 || iIndex >= ROWSIZE ) 
            FAssertMsg2( 0, "Error, index out of range (used=%d, range=[0..%d))", iIndex, ROWSIZE ); 
        //make the index in the range. 
        CLAMP(0, iIndex, ROWSIZE-1); 
        return m_akInternal[iIndex]; 
    // Cast to a void pointer, for memcpy, etc. 
    operator void * () { return ((void*)m_akInternal[0]); } 
    int GetRowSize() { return ROWSIZE; } int GetColSize() { return COLSIZE; } 
    SafeStruct< sType, COLSIZE > m_akInternal[ROWSIZE]; 